Index-2 41-001160-00, Release 2.1, Rev 04
call waiting 5-43
call waiting tone 5-44
call waiting tones 5-78
callers list
downloading to phone 5-178
enabling/disabling 5-176
overview 5-174
using on phone 5-176
Callers List key 1-10, 1-15
callers list key 5-101, 5-108
CancelAction, for XML applciations 5-199
Codecs 4-65
customized preference list of 4-66
conf key 5-101, 5-109
conference key
enabling/disabling 5-66
mapping as speeddial 5-67
Conference softkey 1-11, 1-15
config server
alternate TFTP 3-60
auto resync mode 3-63
auto resync time 3-64
download path 3-62
download protocol 3-59
download server 3-62
FTP password 3-61
FTP server 3-60
FTP username 3-60
HTTP path 3-61
HTTP server 3-61
primary TFTP 3-59
select TFTP 3-60
XML application post list 3-65
file precedence 1-22
methods for performing 2-2
configuration file, description of 1-21
configuration files
installing 1-23
using 2-15
configuration server 4-79
configuring 4-79
configuration server settings 3-59
delete key 1-7
DHCP 4-4
configuring 3-6, 4-6
not using 1-18
using 1-18
dial plan
configuring 5-33
dial plan terminator
overview 5-32
dial plan, emergency 5-15
dial plans
overview 5-30
Dial softkey 1-11, 1-15
dial tones, stuttered
about 5-46
configuring 5-46, 5-52, 5-54, 5-56, 5-58
DiffServ QoS 4-31
Directed call pickup
configuring 5-84
description of 5-81
directed call pickup
enable/disable 3-28
play ring splash 3-28
prefix setting 3-28
Directed Call Pickup (DCP) key 5-99
Directory key 1-10, 1-15
directory key 5-101, 5-108
directory list
download behavior 5-187
downloading procedures 5-191
downloading to server 5-186
limitations for 5-187
overview 5-182
using 5-188
configuring 5-136, 5-142
overview 5-142
DND key 5-99
DSCP 3-39, 4-33
DTMF digits
configuring display of 5-41, 5-44