Domain Name System (DNS) Configuration 13
Sample /etc/hosts File Entries for a Dual Network Configuration
This section describes entries that you would add to the /etc/hosts file if
your configuration was identical to the configuration examples listed
earlier in this section.
# Internet host table
# voipbox1 voipbox1a voipbox1c voipbox2 voipbox2a voipbox2c active activea activec standby standbya standbyc voipbox1b voipbox1d voipbox2b voipbox2d activeb actived standbyb standbyd
CAUTION: The host names that end in a, b, c, and d are used internally
by Intelligent Mirroring or Call Builder (or both). These names must be
present in the /etc/hosts file.
Domain Name
System (DNS)
To enable proper operation of the UMS e-mail server (SMTP, POP3, and
IMAP) you must configure the DNS servers on your network.
To configure a DNS server:
1 Create a host name for the UMS e-mail server.
The domain name of the UMS e-mail server is the host name that you just
created, together with the appropriate DNS suffix.
2 Bind both the primary and secondary IP address of the e-mail server to
the host name that you just created.
If the VCX system is a single-box configuration, you need only bind the
one IP address of the system to the host name.