5.3 Watching Dish Network programming
Power on the Winegard Satellite Interface. In a few moments, the satellite antenna will be-
gin its search routine. It will verify satellites and lock onto Dish Network satellite 119°W.
If you have an in-motion antenna, the antenna will continue to “track” the satellite for 7
minutes after signal acquisition. After 7 minutes, it will enter sleep mode. You can watch
television as normal while the antenna is tracking. For instructions on how to force sleep
mode, see Section 7.3.
5.4 Satellite 129°W Notice
Dish Network Satellite 129°W may not be available in all areas of the country, even under
ideal conditions. Due to weak signal strength and its location over the west coast, this is
especially true in the eastern and extreme southern parts of the country.
If you are unable to acquire adequate signal from Satellite 129°W in your area, an alterna-
tive is to use Satellite 61.5°W for High Denition programming. In addition to broadcast-
ing some international programming, Satellite 61.5°W also mirrors all High Denition pro-
gramming from Satellite 129°W. Satellite 61.5°W may be easier to acquire in the eastern
part of the country than Satellite 129°W.
In order to watch programming from Satellite 61.5°W, you must operate the satellite an-
tenna in Manual Mode. Rather than toggling automatically between satellites, you must
select your satellite through the Satellite Interface.
Before you can operate in manual mode, you must rst clear the installed switch out of the
Power off the Satellite Interface.
Disconnect the coax cable to “Satellite In” on the back of the receiver. You
must not be on signal to clear out the switch.
Press the “Menu” button on the Dish Network remote control.
Select “System Setup” option “6”.
Select “Installation”, option “1”.
Select “Point Dish/Signal” option “1”. Verify that you do not receive signal.
Select “Check Switch” from the Point Dish Screen.
Be sure that any options, such as “Alternate” or “Superdish” are unchecked.
Select “Test.”
The receiver will test the satellite antenna to verify which switch should be
installed. After the test is completed, the check switch screen will report the
result. See Figure 5.3.
Instead of unplug-
ging the coax cable, you
may also power the dish
on, wait until it begins
moving, then power the
dish off. Check the “Point
Dish” screen to verify loss
of signal.
If the receiver reports “Installed Switch Unknown” or “None”, you may now oper-
ate your antenna in Manual Mode. See 7.2 Manual Mode, for operating instruc-
Figure 5.3 - Actual Screen may
If satellite 129°W is
not available in your area,
you will not be able to run
a check switch test in “Dish
1000” mode. If you wish to
operate in automatic mode,
use “Dish 500” mode and
run the check switch test.