Fitness Scale 7850.02 – Evaluation of readings
■ Activity index
The Fitness scale 7850 asks the user to enter an
activity type (»AC« in display). A value between
1 and 5 can be entered, which is orientated on the
following scheme for activity behaviour.
Activity behaviour Factor
1 almost no physical activity
(max. 2 hours a day)
2 light active, sitting
and standing activity
3 House and garden work, mainly
standing; only rarely sitting
4 Sportsmen and persons with
a lot of activity
5 Heavy worker, competitive
The entered value only influences the calorie con-
sumption forecast to the total. The values of the
body analysis are not influenced.
Deriving from the activity type, a factor is multiplied
with the calory rest consumption (basic consumption)
to determine the total consumption.
Basic consumption is the daily calorie requirement
of the body at rest, so without any physical activity.
Activity consumption is the used calorie requirement
for physical activity. Both together result in the total
The basic consumption is dependent on age, sex,
height as well as muscles. Please note that men
have a slightly higher basic consumption than
women, elderly people a lower than younger ones,
musculous and active persons a higher one. The
daily total energy consumption is dependent on the
basic consumption as well as the activity consump-
tion, which depends on the type and amount of
physical activity.
Overwheight is particularly a sign that the person
overestimates the own energy consumption and
underestimates the energy content, which is often
listed on all food.
The Fitness Scale helps to better estimate
these factors. The energy consumption can
be even doubled through a lot of sport and
physical activity.