Fitness Scale 7850.02 – Evaluation of readings
The Fitness Scale 7850 calculates the actual state of
your weight, body fat, fluids and muscle percentage
from your personal data. Please remember that your
muscles also contain body fluids that are already
taken into account in the body fluid analysis. For this
reason, the total calculation always includes a value
over 100%.
■ Body weight
Body weight is printed in kg “with" and “without"
clothing. Based on the body weight measured, the
fitness scale calculates your personal BMI value.
The Body-Mass-Index is a measuring indicator for
the evaluation of the body weight of a human be-
ing. Since overwheight represents an increasing
problem worldwide, the body mass is particularly
used to point towards an exposure. The BMI only
indicates a gross guide value and is contentious
since it does not take into consideration the statue
of a person and the natural individual different com-
position of the body weight from fat and muscles.
BMI (Body Mass Index) is a measure to assess a
person's weight.
You distinguish between the categories "under-
weight", "normal weight", "slightly overweight",
"overweight" and "very overweight".
The BMI value is calculated as follows:
body mass (kg)
body size (m) x body size (m)
The weight is the body weight in kilogram and the
height is indicated in meter. Values of persons with
a normal weight have a BMI between 18.50 kg/m²
and 24.99 kg/m² according to the adiposity classifi-
cation of the WHO. Starting from a BMI of 30 kg/m²
and above refers to people with overwheight that
require treatment.
Age BMI 1 BMI 2 BMI 3 BMI 4 BMI 5
18–24 < 19 19–24 24–29 29–39 < 39
25–34 < 20 20–25 25–30 30–40 < 40
35–44 < 21 21–26 26–31 31–41 < 41
45–54 < 22 22–27 27–32 32–42 < 42
55–64 < 23 23–28 28–33 33–43 < 43
65+ < 24 24–29 29–34 34–44 < 44
BMI 1: Underweight
BMI 2: Normal weight
BMI 3: Slightly overweight
BMI 4: Overweight
BMI 5: Very overweigh
An above-average muscle mass is not considered
in the BMI-index. Conditional on many trained
muscles the normal weight can be higher.