4-3. Connecting Tubing between Indoor and
Outdoor Units
a) Tightly connect the indoor side refrigerant tubing
extended from the wall with the outdoor side tubing.
(Fig. 33)
b) To fasten the flare nuts, apply specified torque as:
Table 6
4-4. Insulation of Refrigerant Tubing
(For C2432 and CL2432)
To prevent heat loss and wet floors due to dripping of
condensation, both tubes must be well insulated with
a proper insulation material. The thickness of the insu-
lation should be a minimum 5/16 inch. (Fig. 35)
4-5. Taping the Tubes
(1) At this time, the 2 refrigerant tubes (and electrical
wire if local codes permit) should be taped together
with armoring tape. The drain hose may also be
included and taped together as 1 bundle with the
Indoor unit
Outdoor unit
Torque wrench
Fig. 33
Fig. 34
4. Similarly arrange the supplied packing B (2-3/8" ×
1-3/16" × T3/16") on the mounting valve. (Fig. 31b,
5. Insert clamp A in the extracted round hole (
on the mounting valve, and bind the tube assy and
packing A. (Fig. 31b)
6. Insert clamp B in the square hole of the mounting
valve, and bind it so the tube assy is in contact with
packing B. (Fig. 31c)
7. Connect the narrow tube (3/8") between the units.
When tightening the flare nut, use the double-wrench
method. (Torque: 300 to 340 lbs.·in) (Fig. 32)
8. After completing the tubing work, check that the tube
assy is not in direct contact with the 3/4" tube.
Fig. 32
Fig. 31b
Fig. 31c
Tube Dia. Tightening Torque
3/8inch Approx. 300 – 340 lbs.
in (35 – 40 N
3/4inch Approx. 870 – 1,040 lbs.
in (100 – 120 N
After a tube has been insulated,
never try to bend it into a nar-
row curve, as this may cause
the tube to break or crack.
Clamp B
Clamp A
Packing B
Packing A
3/16" hole
Clamp B
Clamp A
Square hole
Packing B
Packing A
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