During stereo playback, the subwoofer output can function in 1 of 4 ways:
This setting creates a mono
subwoofer output by combining the left and right channels
without a low-pass fi lter. With this setting, the subwoofer
output will be full range and you should use the crossover
frequency adjustment on your subwoofer according to the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
This setting creates a mono
subwoofer output by combining the left and right
channels with a low-pass fi lter at 80Hz. If your subwoofer
has a built-in non-defeatable crossover, set it to its highest
frequency to avoid double fi ltering
This setting creates a mono
subwoofer output by combining the left and right
channels with a low-pass fi lter at 50Hz. If your subwoofer
has a built-in non-defeatable crossover, set it to its highest
frequency to avoid double fi ltering.
This setting disables the subwoofer output
4. Sub: OFF – This setting disables the subwoofer output 4. Sub: OFF –
when a stereo input is selected. Use this option if you don’t
have a subwoofer or if you don’t want your subwoofer to
play when inputs 1-8 are selected. The subwoofer output
will still be available when the multichannel inputs 9 & 10 are selected.
These settings for bass management
only affect the stereo inputs
only affect the stereo inputs
The multichannel inputs (Inputs 9 & 10) have no bass management on the P 7
The multichannel inputs (Inputs 9 & 10) have no bass management on the P 7
management for the multichannel inputs is on your source components. For more information on
setting up the bass management of your multichannel sources, refer to their owner’s manuals.
This Setup menu allows you to increase the maximum volume
level of your P 7 by 10 dB. The options are “100” or “110”. If
your room is large (over 3000 cubic feet and your speakers are
not very sensitive (less than 88 dB, 1 watt @ 1 meter) then you
may fi nd that a maximum volume of 100 is not loud enough. In
this case you can raise the maximum to 110.
Press the Enter button to proceed into the Limit Volume setup.
Press the VOL Up or VOL Down buttons to change between
After you fi nish, press the Exit Setup button to return to the main Setup menu.