The headphone jack accepts a 1/8” (3.5 mm) mini plug. All of the Main Audio Outputs are muted
when a headphone plug is inserted into this jack so you can listen privately. The Tape Record Out
jacks remain active. With stereo sources the Headphone jack carries the L and R signals. For 5.1
or 7.1 channel sources the left headphone channel carries a downmix of the L, C, LS, LB and Sub
channels. The right headphone channel carries a downmix of the R, C, RS, RB and Sub channels.
Please check your listening level before unplugging your headphones to avoid an unexpected
Note: Please check your listening level before unplugging your headphones to avoid an unexpected Note:
jump in loudness that could damage your speakers.
There are three 12 volt trigger outputs on the P 7. The Output jack labeled “Main On” is active
whenever the P 7 is turned on. The Output jack labeled “In 9/10” is active whenever Inputs 9 or
10 (Multichannel 1 and Multichannel 2) are selected. The In 9/10 trigger can be useful for auto-
matically turning on a second amplifi er which drives your surround speakers only when you have
selected a 7.1 channel source. The Output jack labeled “Remote” is activated or deactivated by
pressing the Trigger On or Off buttons on the remote handset. The Remote Output jack could be
useful for activating additional accessories such as a projection screen or room lighting.
Any of these outputs can be used to turn on power amplifi ers and other equip-
ment that are equipped with automatic turn-on inputs. Connect the P 7’s 12V
Output jack to the triggered component’s trigger input jack using the provided
trigger wire with the 2.5 mm sub-mini plugs.
Most Parasound Power Amplifi ers are equipped with a 2.5 mm 12V
Note: Most Parasound Power Amplifi ers are equipped with a 2.5 mm 12V Note:
trigger input jack. The trigger voltage source is DC and the trigger plug tip is
+ (positive) and its sleeve – (negative). The P 7 trigger output has a maximum current capability
of 150mA. Refer to the owner’s manual of the components to be triggered to make sure their
combined trigger current requirement is below 150mA.
Your P 7 is compatible with most popular infrared (IR) repeater systems for
remote control operation from another room or when the P 7 is installed in
a cabinet where its remote handset signals cannot reach its front panel
remote control sensor. The External Remote Input connector is a standard
1/8” (3.5 mm) “mini” jack. The center conductor (plug tip) is for + and the
outer conductor (plug sleeve) is for –. Your Authorized Parasound dealer or
Custom Installer can recommend a compatible IR repeater system.
This 9-pin female DB9 connector is a full-duplex serial port. This permits the
P 7 to communicate in two directions with home automation and control
P 7 is connected to such a device, it can be controlled and its status
monitored from keypads or touch-screen panels throughout your house.
The capabilities of such connections, and the programming and interfacing
needed will depend on the automation system you select; consult your
Parasound dealer or custom installer for more information regarding interfacing an external con-
trol system to your P 7. The complete RS-232 protocol can be found at: