- 13 -- 44 -
Overload Tools-
POWER Protector Headlight On-Board Cord Length Cord Reel
120V. AC (60Hz)
Yes Yes Yes 24 Ft.(7.3 m) Yes
12.0 A
PPrrootteeccttoorr AAllmmaacceenn--
EExxtteennssiióónn aammiieennttoo
VVoollttaajjee ssuubbrreeccaarrggaass LLuuzz HHeerrrraammiieennttaass
ddee ccoorrddóónn ddeell ccoorrddóónn
112200VV.. AACC ((6600HHzz))
SSii SSii SSii 77,,33mm ((2244 ppii)) SSii
1122,,00 AA
Protecteur Dispositif Longueur Rappel
Alimentation de surcharge
d’éclairage Accessoires
du cordon du cordon
120 V c.a. (60 Hz)
Oui Oui Oui 7,3 m (24 pi) Oui
12,0 A
DDiiaaggrraammaa ddee ccaarraacctteerrííssttiiccaass
Tableau des caractéristiques
The vacuum cleaner creates suction that picks up dirt. Rapidly moving air carries
the dirt to the dust bag through the air flow passage.The dust bag lets the air
pass through, while it traps the dirt.
For best cleaning results, keep the airflow passage open. Occasionally check the
starred areas for clogs. Unplug unit before checking airflow.
Removing Clogs
End Cap
Belt Pulley
Brush Unit
Agitator Assembly