Note: You will get the b
on the steering whe
performed. When activa
deviation at any time wi
12.4.2 Automati
(Auto CHK) is done by driving the boat in a circ 1 ¼ turn,
est result in calm water with a smooth turn
el independently of how the circle is
ted, you can stop the automatic compass
th a press on CLEAR.
c compass deviation check (Auto CHK)
le up to
(Auto DEV) is pe
(Auto DEV). If the devi
from the comparison between
If the check is OK, (Auto CHK) w
If not an error message
Select automatic comp ET and
repeat the same circle manoeuvre
Note: As soon as you p
compass, the (Auto D
repeated. So if you have packed your boat for the vacation, think
about where you place ferrous items in relation to the compass
12.4.3 Cancel earlier performed compass deviation (Auto
To cancel earlier (Auto DEV), press SET.
12.4.4 Compass misalignment correction (Adj)
Compass transducer misalignment correction or the so called ”A-
Can be set between 000°and 359°. Allows 180° reversed
mounting if needed. Never mount the transducer in a 90° position
relative to the boats fore-aft line.
To check the transducer position, sail/drive your boat in a straight
line towards two visible objects in a line. If the actual heading
taken from the sea chart is 330° and the compass displays 335°,
then set calibration code C36 value to 360° - 5° = 355°.
rformed. The result will be compared with
tion is less than 1,5*, the average value
(Auto DEV) and (Auto CHK) will be
ill be displayed.
will be displayed.
ass check (Auto CHK), press S
as described in the (Auto DEV)
lace any kind of ferrous items close to the
EV) / (Auto CHK) routines should be