9.3 Tactical function
This function requires a compass transducer and displays course memory. One for
starboard and one for port tack.
To fully use the tactical function it is recommended to install the optional trim button
(Art. No. 19763) and analogue steer pilot instrument (Art. No 22115-02). The trim
button is usually installed close to the steering position. Many prefer to install one trim
button on each side of the boat, that is one for each tack. (For installation of trim
button, see Server manual). Your apparent tack angle is assumed to be constant, in
that your magnetic heading will be changed compared to the wind, that is you will be
changing your heading due to the wind shifts.
The tactical function will give you a fast and exact information about any wind shift
compared to the magnetic heading.
Select sub-function (TAC).
When you have maximum ”lift”, press SET (or the trim button) to
store the value. When the wind ”heads” more than 5-10* it is time
to tack.
Follow the same procedure on the new leg. The reference value
for the selected tack, will be changed every time you press SET