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22.6 Personal Computer Side Setting
Connecting the GOT and Controller in
Ethernet connection
1. Right-click a project name to be a target on the
project tree of RT ToolBox2.
Click [Edit Project].
2. Set [Method] to [CRnQ].
3. Click [Detail].
4. Check-mark either of the following in [Serial port].
Mark the [RS-232] checkbox.
Mark the [USB] checkbox.
5. Click [Detail].
When connecting the GOT and PC with serial
When connecting the GOT and PC with USB
6. On the [PLC side I/F setting of PLC module], mark the
[via GOT (Ethernet) transparent mode] checkbox and
click [Set].
7. Set [QJ71E71] for [Type].
8. Specify the number assigned to the Ethernet module
for [Network No.], [Station No.] and [IP Address] in
"Module side".
9. Specify the number assigned to the GOT for [Network
No.], [Station No.] and [IP Address] in "GOT side".
10.As necessary, select a CPU that is targeted in [CPU].