8 - 32
8.4 PLC Side Setting
[Network parameter] of GX Developer
(1) Network parameter
: Necessary : As necessary : Not necessary
*1 Specify the same network No. as that of the GOT.
*2 Do not set the same station No. as that of the GOT.
When changing the network parameter
After writing the network parameter to the PLC CPU,
operate the PLC CPU ether turning OFF and then ON
or resetting.
(2) Routing parameter setting
Up to 64 [Transfer Network No.]s can be set.
However, the same transfer network number cannot be
set twice or more (multiple times).
Therefore, the one that can access to other station from
the request source host GOT is 64 kinds of [Transfer
Network No.]s.
Routing parameter setting of request source
Routing parameter setting is also necessary for the
request source GOT.
For the setting, refer to the following.
8.3.4 Routing parameter setting
Item Set value
Setting necessity
at GOT connection
Network type Ethernet (fixed)
Start I/O No. 0000
Network No.
Group No. 0 (fixed)
Station No.
IP address
Station No.<->IP
(Use default value)
FTP Parameters
Router relay parameter
Routing parameters Refer to (2)
Item Range
Target network No. 1 to 239
Relay network No. 1 to 239
Relay station No. 1 to 64