The guard zone sensitivity can be adjusted to eliminate alarms for
small targets.
MARPA targets
If the system includes a heading sensor, the MARPA function (Mini
Automatic Radar Plotting Aid) can be used to track up to ten radar
You can set alarms to notify you if a target gets too close. Refer to
"Radar settings" on page 116.
MARPA tracking is an important tool for collision avoidance.
Note: MARPA requires heading data for both the radar and
the HDS Gen3.
MARPA target symbols
The system uses the target symbols shown below.
Symbol Description
Acquiring MARPA target. Typically it takes up to
10 full rotations of the scanner.
Tracking MARPA target, not moving or at anchor.
Tracking and safe MARPA target with extension
Dangerous MARPA target.
A target is defined as dangerous when it enters
the guard zone defined on the radar panel.
When no signals have been received within a
time limit a target will be defined as lost.
The target symbol represents the last valid
position of the target before the reception of
data was lost.
Selected MARPA target, activated by positioning
the cursor on the target icon.
The target returns to the default target symbol
when the cursor is removed.
Radar | HDS Gen3 Operator Manual