
EBL/VRM markers
The electronic bearing line (EBL) and variable range marker (VRM)
allows quick measurements of range and bearing to vessels and
landmasses within radar range. Two different EBL/VRMs can be
placed on the radar image.
The EBL/VRMs are by default positioned from the center of the
vessel. It is, however, possible to offset the reference point to any
selected position on the radar image.
When positioned, you can turn the EBL/VRM on/off by selecting the
relevant markers on the data bar, or by deselecting the marker from
the menu.
Defining an EBL/VRM marker
1. Ensure that the cursor is not active
2. Activate the menu, select EBL/VRM, then select EBL/VRM 1 or
The EBL/VRM is now positioned on the radar image.
3. Select the adjustment option from the menu if you need to
reposition the marker, then adjust the marker by dragging it into
position on the radar image
4. Select the save option in the menu to save your settings
Placing EBL/VRM markers by using the cursor
1. Position the cursor on the radar image
Radar | HDS Gen3 Operator Manual