4.2 Programming from a PC – ID Manager program
To setup the unit from a PC you will require a special USB tool cable, available separately, and must first
install the USB driver and ID Manager software. Refer to the CD for more details. The unit must also be
connected to the telephone line.
- Connect the ID Doorphone to the line
- Connect the unit to the PC with the USB tool cable.
- Run the ID Manager program. The unit will enter PC programming mode and emit the Enter
Programming tone (see chapter 3.1). If connection is lost, it is necessary to disconnect the USB cable
from unit and connect it again. The unit will answer and, providing the ID Manager program is running,
it will confirm its entry into programming mode again.
Refer to the ID Manager manual for more details.
5 Parameter description
5.1 Direct Dialling – Memories
Parameter Value Description Default Exam.1 Exam.2
1 t nn…
No. nn under button t - - -
t – Button number (memory) [1-4]
nn – telephone number up to 16 digits to be stored. Refer to the table for other
The number stored in parameter 1 is the number for the first group or the number
for Day mode.
Parameter Value Description Default Exam.1 Exam.2
2 t nn…
No. nn under button t - - -
t – Button number (memory) [1-4]
parameter dial
0 - 9 0 - 9
# #
∗ ∗∗
∗ #
∗ 0
Small connector