User's Guide Fireface 800 © RME
34.5 Simple MIDI Control
The stereo output faders (lowest row) which are set up as Monitor Main outputs in the Monitor
panel can also be controlled by the standard Control Change Volume via MIDI channel 1.
With this, the main volume of the Fireface is controlable from nearly any MIDI equipped hard-
ware device.
Even if you don't want to control all faders and pans, some buttons are highly desired to be
available in 'hardware'. These are mainly the Talkback and the Dim button, and the new moni-
toring options (listen to Phones submixes). Fortunately a Mackie Control compatible controller is
not required to control these buttons, as they are steered by simple Note On/Off commands on
MIDI channel 1.
The notes are (hex / decimal / keys):
Monitor Main: 3E / 62 / D 3
Dim: 5D / 93 / A 5
Mono: 2A / 42 / #F 1
Talkback: 5E / 94 / #A 5
Monitor Phones 1: 3F / 63 / #D 3
Monitor Phones 2: 40 / 64 / E 3
Monitor Phones 3: 41 / 65 / F 3
Preset 1: 36 / 54 / #F 2
Preset 2: 37 / 55 / G 2
Preset 3: 38 / 56 / #G 2
Preset 4: 39 / 57 / A 2
Preset 5: 3A / 58 / #A 2
Preset 6: 3B / 59 / B 2
Preset 7: 3C / 60 / C 3
Preset 8: 3D / 61 / #C 3
An example of a small MIDI controller covering such MIDI functionality (and even some more) is
the Behringer BCN44. This little box has 4 pots and 8 buttons for all the above functions – for
less than 60 Euros.
Furthermore TotalMix allows to control all faders of all three rows via simple Control Change
The format for the Control Change commands is:
Bx yy zz
x = MIDI channel
yy = control number
zz = value
The first row in TotalMix is adressed by MIDI channels 0 up to 3, the middle row by channels 4
up to 7 and the bottom row by channels 8 up to 11.
16 Controller numbers are used: 102 up to 117 (= hex 66 bis 75).
With these 16 Controllers (= faders) and 4 MIDI channels each per row, up to 64 faders can be
controlled per row (as required by the HDSPe MADI).