User's Guide Fireface 800 © RME
Mouse: The original factory presets can be reloaded by holding down the Ctrl-
key and clicking on any preset button. Alternatively the files described above can
be renamed, moved to a different directory, or being deleted.
Keyboard: Using Ctrl and any number between 1 and 8 (not on the numeric
keypad!) will load the corresponding factory default preset. The key Alt will load
the user presets instead.
When loading a preset file, for example 'Main Monitor AN 1_2 plus headphone mix 3_4.fmx', the
file name will be displayed in the title bar of the TotalMix window. Also when loading a preset by
the preset buttons, the name of the preset is displayed in the title bar. This way it is always clear
what the current TotalMix state is based on.
The eight factory presets offer a pretty good base to modify them to your personal needs. In all
factory presets Submix View is active by default.
Preset 1
Description: All channels routed 1:1, monitoring of all playback channels via Phones.
Details: All inputs maximum attenuation. All playback channels 0 dB, routet to the same output.
All outputs 0 dB, Phones –6 dB. Submix of all inputs and playbacks to channel 9/10 (Phones).
Level display RMS +3 dB. View Submix active.
: This preset is Default, offering the standard functionality of a I/O-system.
Preset 2
Description: All channels routed 1:1, input and playback monitoring via Phones. As Preset 1,
plus submix of all inputs (0 dB) to channels 9/10 (Phones).
Preset 3
Description: All channels routed 1:1, input and playback monitoring via Phones and outputs. As
Preset 2, but all inputs set to 0 dB (1:1 monitoring).
Preset 4
Description: All channels routed 1:1, input and playback monitoring via Phones and outputs. As
Preset 3, but all inputs muted.
Preset 5
Description: Playback monitoring to Phones. As Preset 1, but all outputs except channels 9/10
(Phones) set to maximum attenuation.
Preset 6
Description: All channels routed 1:1, monitoring of all playback channels via Phones and
SPDIF. As Preset 1, plus submix of all playbacks to SPDIF.
Preset 7
Description: Monitoring of all playback channels via Phones and of all input and playback chan-
nels via SPDIF. As Preset 2, plus submix of all inputs to SPDIF.
Preset 8
Description: Panic. As Preset 4, but playback channels muted too (no output signal).
Preset Banks
Instead of a single preset, all eight presets can be stored and loaded at once. This is done via
Menu File, Save All Presets as and Open All Presets (file suffix .fpr). After the loading the
presets can be activated by the preset buttons. In case the presets have been renamed (see
chapter 31.11), these names will be stored and loaded too.