208 Index
R (continued)
READ? Command, 113, 198
, 74
error, 180
queue, 155
per trigger, 51, 114–115
stored in memory, 97–98, 198
transfer to output buffer, 98, 113
Reciprocal Counting Technique, 36
questionable data register
, 60
bits (QUE), 63
standard event register, 60
status byte register, 60
Rejecting Power Line Noise Voltages, 27
Removing Field Wiring Resistance Errors, 30
dc input
, 37
measurements, 29–31
2-wire ohms, 30, 139, 141, 143
4-wire ohms, 29, 90, 131, 133–135
high resistance measurement errors, 31
high speed measurements, 31
power dissipation effects, 31
settling time effects, 31
Resolution, 182
2-wire ohms, 92, 107, 143
2-wire resistance, 143
4-wire ohms, 90, 105, 135
4-wire resistance, 135
ac current, 87, 102, 121
ac current range vs., 71
ac voltage, 93, 108, 146
ac voltage range vs., 71
and range tables, 70–71
dc current, 88, 103, 126
dc current vs. integration time, 70
dc ratio voltage, 95, 110
dc voltage, 94, 109, 151
dc voltage vs. integration time, 70
frequency function, 89, 104
NPLC, 15, 38
number of digits, 38
period function, 91, 106
power line cycles, 15, 38
2-wire resistance
, 143
4-wire resistance, 135
ac current, 121
ac voltage measurements, 146
Resolution (continued)
querying (continued)
dc current, 126
dc voltage measurements, 151
setting, 15, 38, 198
using special non-SCPI commands, 195
versus integration time, 70–71
*RST, 165
Sample Count, 51, 114–115
querying, 51, 115
setting, 51, 114
SAMPle Subsystem, 114–115
SAMPle:COUNt, 51, 114
SAMPle:COUNt?, 51, 115
SCPI Commands
, 68
ABORt subsystem, 72
CALCulate subsystem, 73–78
CALibration subsystem, 79–83
CALibration? command, 84
command format, 67
command quick reference, 167–170
command reference, 71–161
CONFigure subsystem, 85–95
CONFigure? command, 96
DATA subsystem, 97
FETCh? command, 98, 198
implied, 68
INITiate subsystem, 99
INPut subsystem, 100
linking, 69
MEASure subsystem, 101–110
OUTPut subsystem, 111–112
parameters, 69
quick reference, 167–170
READ? command, 113, 198
SAMPle subsystem, 114–115
[SENSe:] subsystem, 116–152
separator, 68
specifying, 22
STATus subsystem, 153–154
SYSTem subsystem, 155
TRIGger subsystem, 156–161
Security Code, 80–81
Self-Test, 22–23
errors, 189