158 Multimeter Command Reference Chapter 3
TRIGger:DELay? [MIN|MAX] returns one of the following numbers to the output
• The present trigger delay (0 through 3600 seconds) if MIN or MAX is not
• The minimum trigger delay available (0 seconds) if MIN is specified.
• The maximum trigger delay available (3600 seconds) if MAX is specified.
Example Query the Trigger Delay
Wait 2ms between trigger and start of
Query multimeter to return trigger delay.
enter statement
Enter value into computer.
TRIGger:DELay:AUTO <mode> enables or disables a trigger delay automatically
determined by the present function, range, NPLC setting, AC filter setting and
integration time (see the table on the next page). The trigger delay specifies the
period between the trigger signal and the start of the measurement (and between each
sample when
SAMPle:COUNt > 1).
Comments • You can substitute decimal values for the OFF (“0”) and ON (“1”) parameters.
• The trigger delay is inserted between the trigger and each measurement.
• If a trigger delay is specified using the TRIGger:DELay <period> command,
TRIG:DEL:AUTO is turned OFF.
• *RST Condition: TRIG:DEL:AUTO ON
Example Disable Automatic Trigger Delay
Disable automatic trigger delay.
Parameter Name Parameter Type Range of Values Default Units
boolean OFF|0|ON|1 none