Multizone Operation
The DMC 1000 is capable of streaming audio to
up to four independent zones simultaneously,
allowing users in different areas of the home to
enjoy unique programs. The zones may easily be
linked or unlinked to each other, to play the same
program in more than one zone. Manage the
zones by displaying the Main Menu and selecting
the Zones command. The screen shown in Figure
27 will appear.
Figure 27 – Zones Menu
Zone 1 is the current zone, as indicated by the
checkmark in the box to its left. Each zone is
assigned a different color box, indicating none of
the zones are linked to other zones.
To rename a zone, highlight the button contain-
ing its name and press the Enter Button. Select
one of the default names, such as Den or Dining
Room, or create a new name. The DMC 1000’s
character-entry dialog box will appear to guide
you. (See Figure 16.)
To link zones together, highlight the line for what
will be the “master” zone.
If other zones are linked to the master zone, con-
tent playing in the master zone is streamed to
any zones linked to it. Select the Zone Links
option, and then select one or more of the other
three zones to link to the master zone.
To unlink zones, highlight the master zone and
select the Zone Links option. Click on a linked
zone to select it for unlinking.
To begin playback in any zone, navigate to its
line, make sure the colored box to the left of the
zone name is highlighted and press the Enter
Button. A checkmark will appear in the box. Press
the Menu Button to display the Main Menu, and
the current zone, along with any other zones
linked to it, will be identified in the upper right
corner of the video display.
Select content for playback in that zone as usual.
When you return to the Zones menu, the cover
art for the current selection, or a generic icon
when no cover art was found, appears to the left
of the line for each active zone.
Interrupt playback to any zone by navigating to it
and selecting the Pause Playback option. The
DMC 1000 will remember its location in the cur-
rent selection when the Play Button is pressed to
resume playback. When the Stop Playback option
is selected, the DMC 1000 will not remember the
location, and when the Play Button is pressed,
playback will start from the beginning of the
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