System Setup
DVD Player Setup
Figure 4
The DVD Player Setup menu (shown in Figure 4)
contains settings that affect DVD playback. The
other media sources are not affected by these
The DMC 1000’s Setup menu screens follow the
same basic format.
Select a menu by highlighting its tab on the left
side of the screen. The menu’s settings will be
previewed, but you will not be able to make any
changes. See Figure 2. Press the Enter Button to
make adjustments to the menu.
The first setting in the menu will automatically be
selected. If you wish to change its value, press
the Enter Button to view the available options in
a dropdown menu.
Use the
Buttons to highlight the desired
option, and press the Enter Button to select it.
If you wish to close the dropdown menu without
changing the setting, press the Back Button.
The DVD Player Setup Menu contains the
following settings.
Preferred Subtitle Language: Defines your
preferred subtitle language. Every time a disc will
be played that contains this subtitle language, it
will be shown automatically. If you do not find
your preferred language in the list of options, you
can select your preferred language by highlight-
ing OTHER. Press ENTER and use the Navigation
Buttons to select your preferred language from
the list shown on the screen. Note that only
those languages will be available that are actual-
ly on the DVD you would like to play. You can
also set the preferred subtitle language to OFF. In
that case no subtitles will be shown.
Preferred Audio Language: Defines your
preferred audio language. Every time a disc is
played that contains this audio language, it will
be activated automatically. If you do not find your
preferred language in the list of options, you can
select your preferred language by highlighting
OTHER. Press ENTER and use the Navigation
Buttons to select your preferred language from
the list shown on the screen. Note that only
those languages will be available that are actual-
ly on the DVD you would like to play.
Parental Control: Defines a password used to
control viewing of restricted programs. The five
standard US rating symbols are ”G” (General,
level 2), ”PG” (Parental Guidance, level 4),
”PG13” (Parental Guidance and 13 years old,
level 4), ”R” (Restricted, level 6) and ”NC 17”
(from 17 years old, level 7). The DVD will accom-
modate a total of eight rating steps, as set by the
DVD creators. These additional steps allow for
more critical control of program playback for all
audiences. Level 8: All DVDs can be played. Levels
7 to 2: DVDs for general audiences/ children can
be played. Level 1: DVDs for children can be
played; DVDs for adults/general audiences are
prohibited. Follow the explanations on the screen
to set a new password.
Video Presentation Mode: Select Original to
display videos and pictures in their native aspect
ratio, or Full when the DMC 1000 is connected to
a 4:3 aspect ratio display.
When Full is selected, 16:9 materials will appear
on 4:3 displays in “letterbox” format, with black
bars at the top and bottom of the screen. On
16:9 displays, 16:9 materials will fill the screen,
but 4:3 materials will appear with black or gray
bars on the left and right sides of the screen.
NOTE: The DMC 1000’s own menu screens are
always output in widescreen (16:9) mode at a
maximum resolution of 720p, depending on the
display’s capabilities. When viewed on a 4:3 dis-
play, the menu screens will appear in letterbox
Dynamic Range Compression: When playing
specially encoded Dolby Digital DVDs, turn on
Dynamic Range Compression to reduce the levels
of louder passages while maintaining the intelli-
gibility of dialog and softer passages. This feature
is useful to avoid disturbing others while watch-
ing action-packed DVDs. This is similar to the
“Night Mode” function on many DVD players
and A/V receivers.
DVD Bass Management: If all six of the Zone
1 Analog Audio Outputs are connected to a
receiver or processor that does not perform bass
management on its 6-channel audio inputs, turn
this setting on and configure the speaker settings
in the Audio Setup menu.
If the receiver is capable of analog bass manage-
ment, leave this setting in the default Bypass
mode and configure the receiver’s speaker set-
tings. When this setting is off, the DMC 1000
speaker settings will have no effect.
Select the Stereo/LtRt setting to output a 2-chan-
nel recording, or a downmix of a surround-encod-
ed program, through the Left- and Right-Channel
jacks of the Zone 1 Analog Audio Outputs. When
the Bass Management setting is set to either of
the other settings, these jacks will only output the
front left- and right-channel information, omitting
the center and surround information.
NOTE: The Stereo setting is required when either
the Digital Audio Out Format or HDMI Audio Out
settings in the Audio Setup menu are set to
Uncompressed (i.e., output a 2-channel PCM sig-
Content Play Mode: This setting compensates
for disc authoring errors that occur when the
frame rate is not properly maintained during the
conversion from film to video. It only affects pro-
gressive scan display using the HDMI Output or
the Component Video Outputs. Three choices are
• Auto: This is the recommended setting. The
DMC 1000 analyzes the signals from the DVD,
determines whether it was originally recorded
on video or shot on film, and adjusts the output
• Film: Choose this option for material that was
originally shot on film, even though you are
viewing it on video via a DVD.
• Video: Choose this option for material that
was shot directly to video, such as concerts and
sports programming.
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