Instruction Manual
3-12. G0 (Get Instrument Configuration)
The G0 command copies the 8842A function, range, reading rate, and trigger mode into
the output buffer in the format shown in Figure 3-6. The four digits returned represent the
arguments for the equivalent F, R, S, and T commands, as shown in Table 3-1. An
example output string follows.
Example Explanation
3410 CR LF 3: F3 (2 WIRE kΩ function)
4: R4 (200 kΩ range)
1: S1 (Medium reading rate)
0: T0 (Continuous trigger)
The second digit, which can vary from 1 to 6, indicates what measurement range the
8842A is in regardless of whether the 8842A is in autorange or manual range.
The output string from a G0 command is acceptable as an argument for an "N" command.
This allows you to configure the 8842A from the front panel and then record the
configuration over the bus for future use with a P0 command. However, 9mmm (meaning
self-test) can not be used with the P0 command.
3-13. G1 (Get SRQ Mask)
The G1 command copies the present SRQ mask into the output buffer in the format
shown in Figure 3-6. The SRQ mask values are explained in Table 3-1. An example
output string follows. For more about the SRQ mask, see paragraph 3-47.
Example Explanation
33 CR LF Enable SRQ on any error or overrange
3-14. G2 (Get Calibration Prompt)
The G2 command is used when calibrating the 8842A under remote control. The
command loads the output buffer with a calibration prompt that represents the input
expected at the analog inputs. The calibration prompt is formatted as a signed decimal
with exponent, as shown in Figure 3-6. The suffix may be enabled with the Y1 command.
Example output strings follow.
Examples Explanation
+1.00000E+0 CR LF Calibration prompt
+190.000E-3 CR LF Calibration prompt
+1.90000E+0, VDC CR LF Calibration prompt (Suffix enabled)
If an error has occurred, the G2 command loads the output buffer with an error message
instead of the prompt. (See paragraph 3-39.)
The G2 command is valid only when the calibration mode is enabled by pressing the
front panel CAL ENABLE switch. If the 8842A is not in the calibration mode, the G2
command generates an error message.