Instruction Manual
AC Calibrator Fluke 5700A and Fluke 5725A
Minimum Required Accuracy (By Range)
Frequency Range 1, 10, 100 mV
1, 10, 100V
20 Hz – 30 Hz .1 + .005 .1 + .005 .12 + .005
30 Hz – 20 kHz .02 + 10 0.2 + .002 .04 + .004
20 kHz – 50 kHz .05 + 20 .05 + .005 .08 + .005
50 kHz – 100 kHz .05 + 20 .05 + .005 .1 + .01
1. ±(% of setting + µV) 2. +/-(% of setting + % of range)
AC Current Source Fluke 5700A
Frequency Range Minimum Required Accuracy (All Ranges)
30 Hz – 1 kHz ±.07% + 1 mA)
1kHz – 5 kHz ±(.07% + 1 mA) X frequency in kHz
Shorting Bar Resistance <1.5 mΩ
Construction Soldered (not
Pomona MDP-S-0
6-Inch Jumper ---- E-Z-Hook 204-6W-S or equivalent
Optional Test
9010A, 9005A or Micro-System Troubleshooter; 9000A-8048 Interface Pod.
This test compares the performance of the 8842A with the specifications given in Section
1. The test is recommended as an acceptance test when the instrument is first received,
and as a verification test after performing the calibration procedure. If the instrument
does not meet the performance test, calibration or repair is needed.
To ensure optimum performance, the test must be performed at an ambient temperature
of 18°C to 28°C, with a relative humidity of less than 75%. Also, the 8842A should be
allowed to warm up for one hour prior to beginning any test other than the self-test.
6-3. Diagnostic Self-Tests
The diagnostic self-tests check the analog and digital circuitry in the 8842A. There are 21
analog tests followed by in-guard program memory, calibration memory, and display
tests. Out-guard program memory is tested when self-test is initiated by a remote
command. Microcomputer RAM tests are done only at powerup. Each test is described
in detail under the heading Troubleshooting. All five digital tests are performed at
The inputs must be left open-circuited while the self-tests are performed.
Otherwise, the 8842A may indicate errors are present. Errors may also be
caused by inductive or capacitive pick-up from long test leads.
If the FRONT/REAR switch is in the REAR position, the 8842A skips tests 3
and 4. Also, if Option -09 is not installed, the 8842A skips tests 1, 2, and 3.