Configuration Settings
Addendum 13
Class 1 Gen 2 Q value
Q value sets the number of response slots
available for the tags being inventoried
(number of slots = 2Q). It is actively
managed during an inventory round,
but starting with an appropriate Q
decreases the time necessary to perform
an inventory. Initial Q values should be
set to generate 1/3 the number of slots
compared to the maximum number of
tags expected for a given inventory read
For example, if the application can have
a maximum of 50 tags for a given read
attempt, Q should be set to 4 ( 50/3 =
16.6666, 24 = 16). If the application can
have a maximum of 150 tags for a given read attempt, Q should be set to 5
(150/3 = 50, 25 = 32).