Toshiba CTX 670 SMDI Integration Guide for Cisco Unity 4.0
Toshiba CTX 670 SMDI Integration Guide for Cisco Unity 4.0
Creating a New Integration with the Toshiba CTX 670 Phone System
Step 13 (Cisco Unity 4.2 and later only) On the Reassign Subscribers page, any subscribers whose phone system
integration hasbeen deleted and who arenot currently assigned to aphone system integration willappear
in the list.
If no subscribers appear in the list, click Next and continue to Step 14.
Otherwise, select the subscribers that you want to assign to this phone system integration and click Next.
You can use the following selection controls for selecting subscribers.
Step 14 (Cisco Unity 4.2 and later only) On the Reassign Call Handlers page, any call handlers whose phone
system integration hasbeen deleted and that are not currently assigned to aphone system integration will
appear in the list.
If no call handlers appear in the list, click Next and continue to Step 15.
Otherwise, select the call handlers that you want to assign to this phone system integration and click
Next. You can use the following selection controls for selecting call handlers.
Step 15 On the Completing page, verify the settings you entered, then click Finish.
Step 16 At the prompt to restart the Cisco Unity services, click Yes. The Cisco Unity services restart.
Alternatively, you can restart the Cisco Unity services in UTIM on the Tools menu by clicking Restart
Cisco Unity.
To Enter the Voice Messaging Port Settings for the Integration
Step 1 After the Cisco Unity services restart, on the View menu, click Refresh.
Table 6 Selection Controls for the Reassign Subscribers Page
Selection Control Effect
Check All Checks the check boxes for all subscribers in the list.
Uncheck All Unchecks the check boxes for all subscribers in the list.
Toggle Selected For the subscribers highlighted in the list, toggles between checking and
unchecking the check boxes.
If some highlighted subscriber check boxes are checked and others are
unchecked, clicking this button will check all the check boxes. Clicking again
will uncheck all the check boxes.
Table 7 Selection Controls for the Reassign Call Handlers Page
Selection Control Effect
Check All Checks the check boxes for all call handlers in the list.
Uncheck All Unchecks the check boxes for all call handlers in the list.
Toggle Selected For the call handlers highlighted in the list, toggles between checking and
unchecking the check boxes.
If some highlighted call handler check boxes are checked and others are
unchecked, clicking this button will check all the check boxes. Clicking again
will uncheck all the check boxes.