Toshiba CTX 670 SMDI Integration Guide for Cisco Unity 4.0
Toshiba CTX 670 SMDI Integration Guide for Cisco Unity 4.0
Creating a New Integration with the Toshiba CTX 670 Phone System
Step 6 On the Name the Phone System Integration page, accept the default name or enter the phone system
name to identify this integration, then click Next.
Step 7 On the Select Integration Method page, click Serial, then click Next.
Step 8 On the Select Phone System Manufacturer page, click the following settings, then click Next.
Step 9 On the Select Serial Integration Packet Settings page, enter the following settings, then click Next.
Step 10 On the Select COM Port Settings page, enter the following settings, then click Next.
Step 11 On the Set Number of Voice Messaging Ports page, enter the number of voice messaging ports on
Cisco Unity that you want to connect to the phone system, then click Next.
This number cannot be more than the number of ports on the installed voice cards or the number of ports
set up on the phone system.
Step 12 If other integrations already exist, the Enter Trunk Access Code page appears. Enter the extra digits that
Cisco Unity must use to transfer calls through thegateway to extensions on the other phone systems with
which it is integrated. Then click Next.
Table 3 Settings for the Select Phone System Manufacturer Page
Field Setting
Manufacturer Toshiba
Model CTX 670
Software Version All
Configuration File <if you have made copies of the .ini configuration file, the name of the
configuration file that you want to use>
Table 4 Settings for the Select Serial Integration Packet Settings Page
Field Setting
Station Field Length <the station prefix plus the default extension length; accept the default setting
of 10>
Default Extension
<the default length of extensions on the phone system; accept the default or
click another setting>
Table 5 Settings for the Select COM Port Settings Page
Field Setting
COM Port <the communications port on the Cisco Unity server that will receive the call
information; typically, this setting is 1>
Baud Rate <the baud rate that the phone system uses>
Data Bits <the number of data bits that the phone system uses>
Stop Bits <the number of stop bits that the phone system uses>
Parity <the parity that the phone system uses>