Configuration Section 3
WR850 3-31
Field Description
ICMP Session
Idle Time
Enter the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Session Idle
Time, which is the amount of time an ICMP session will remain idle
before timing out. ICMP is used for error, problem, and informational
messages sent between IP hosts and gateways. The default is 5
Click to save your settings.
Click to cancel any changes.
Configuring Port Trigger Settings
When you run a computer application that accesses the Internet, it typically initiates
communications with a computer on the Internet. In some applications, especially games,
the computer on the Internet attempts to communicate with your computer. NAT does not
normally allow these incoming connections to occur, but you can use port triggering to
bypass this. Port triggering is a function that allows incoming communication with specified
The WR850 is already configured with port triggering for some common applications. You
can also configure additional port triggers using the Networking – Port Trigger screen.
To access the screen, click Networking > Port Trigger.