Section 3 Configuration
3-20 WR850
Field Description
11g Protection
Ensures that your wireless router does not interfere with neighbor
networks. 802.11g networks cause “collisions” on 802.11b networks,
so the Protection Mode forces the 802.11g network to negotiate
around the 802.11b network.
The options are:
802.11g Protection Mode is never used.
802.11g Protection Mode is used if either an 802.11b
client joins the network or the AP detects an 802.11b
network on the same channel. Default setting.
WDS Mode
Enables WDS mode, which allows you to share and expand your
network with other wireless Access Points (AP). The WDS fields, WDS
Restrict Mode and WDS Restrict MAC address, become active once
WDS is enabled.
When WDS Mode is enabled, any AP configured to your router’s
settings can connect to your network. The default is disabled.
WDS Restrict
Protects your network by assigning access to only the access points
you designate. Assign the access point’s MAC addresses in the WDS
Restrict MAC Addresses fields.
The default is enabled.
WDS Restrict
MAC Addresses
To activate these fields, WDS Restrict Mode must be enabled.
Enter up to four wireless MAC addresses
To edit an entry, highlight the number and change
To delete a number, delete each field
Click to save your settings.
Click to cancel any changes.