First Edition Dated September, 2000 4
Appendix B -- Inspection and Test Quality System
This basic quality system tailors Appendix A flowdown requirements.
Length of production runs, product complexity and consideration for
product utilization are determining factors when Appendix B is imposed.
Addendum 1 Advanced Quality System (AQS)
Addendum 1 describes a process for continuous improvement. It includes
requirements that emphasize problem solving, understanding and
controlling processes, and decreased cost through variation reduction.
This section is not a stand-alone quality system and shall be accompanied
in contract flowdown by either Appendix A or B. Addendum 1 shall be
imposed when variation reduction is required and/or when key
characteristics are identified in Boeing design requirements.
In addition, Addendum 1 principles should be implemented
• Whenever and wherever waste is present
• When quality needs improvement
• When customers are not fully satisfied
Addendum 2 Quality System Requirements for Deliverable Software
Addendum 2 describes the quality system requirements for Boeing
suppliers who design, develop, install, procure, or maintain deliverable
D1-9000-1 AQS Tools
This separate document is a detailed tutorial on the various tools for
continuous improvement and those tools referenced in D6-82479
Addendum 1. Among the topics discussed are problem solving, Pareto
analysis, process mapping/flowcharting, cause and effect diagramming,
key characteristics, statistical process control (SPC), process capability
analysis, design of experiments, risk analysis, histograms, and gage
variation studies, as well as many other continuous improvement tools.
Addendum 1 Evaluation Matrix
The evaluation matrix will be used by Boeing to evaluate its AQS
suppliers, but can be used effectively for internal audits and as a roadmap
for companies who desire an effective continuous improvement system.
All these documents are available on the Boeing web site at: