
First Edition Dated September, 2000 3
1. An Introduction to This Document
The purpose of this document is to provide a description of the
requirements in Addendum 1 of D6-82479, Boeing Quality Management
System, leading to a better understanding their intent and use.
This document will also aid in achieving economic and quality benefits for
the supplier, The Boeing Company and Boeing customers.
1.1 Purpose and Approach of AQS
AQS is a continuous improvement system used to achieve measurable
improvements in cost, cycle time, quality, waste reduction, customer
satisfaction, and profitability.
AQS is a systematic approach to product and process improvement that
can be used in design, production, inspection and testing, as well as in
research and business processes. The approach is based on the use of
facts, data and statistics, rather than guesswork and opinion.
In the design of new products, AQS improves quality and reduces long
term costs by helping producers design quality into the product during the
engineering stage of product development.
AQS helps a company systematically improve products, solve problems,
and manage and reduce variation through process understanding.
AQS is also particularly relevant during the implementation of Lean
Manufacturing (Just-in-time, Toyota Production System or Flow
Manufacturing) when product or process problems or excessive variation
become an impediment to desired performance.
1.2 Related Documents
Appendix A -- Quality Management System
This section describes the quality system requirements for Boeing
suppliers as contained in ISO 9001 as supplemented by AS9100.
Depending on the type of procurement, Appendix A or B may be deemed
more appropriate by The Boeing Company. Appendix A represents the
International Aerospace Quality Standard for Quality Assurance in design,
development, production, installation and servicing.