Telex btr-1 Intercom System User Manual

Sec tion
FCC Information
The Telex BTR-1 and the TR-1 Trans mit ter/Re ceiver are Type Ac cepted un der United States Fed eral Com mu ni -
ca tions Com mis sion Part 74. Li cens ing of Telex equip ment is the User’s re spon si bil ity and licensibility de pends
on the user’s clas si fi ca tion, us ers ap pli ca tion, and fre quency se lected. Telex strongly urges the user to con tact the
ap pro pri ate tele com mu ni ca tions au thor ity for any de sired clar i fi ca tion.
This de vice com plies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Op er a tion is sub ject to the con di tion that
this de vice does not cause harm ful in ter fer ence.
CAU TION: Changes or mod i fi ca tions made by the user could void the user’s au thor ity to
op er ate the equip ment.