• P ress the MSG key or dial 4 3. The first station that left you a
message will be called automatically. If that station does not answer,
your message light will stay on.
• Repeat until all messages have been returned in the order re c e i v e d .
• Your MSG button light will turn off when all messages have been
N O T E S :1. Display keyset users can view message indications and
return them in any ord e r. See Viewing Message Indications
u n d e r Display Feature s.
2. If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must
first lift the handset or press SPK b e f o re you begin dialing.
3. If a message has been left at your keyset by a keyset in
Auto Answer, you must manually cancel the message after
it has been re t u r n e d .
When you will be away from your phone for any length of time, leave a
p rogrammed station message. Display stations calling you will see this
message and be informed of your status or follow your instru c t i o n s .
• Dial 48 plus any of the message codes 0 1 – 2 0 listed on the back of this
user guide.
• To cancel this message, dial 48 plus 0 0.
N O T E : If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first
lift the handset or press SPK b e f o r e you begin dialing.
You can have multiple programmed message keys and each one can
have a diff e r ent message code:
• P r ess any programmed message key. The message is set and the key
will light red. Press again to turn off .
• P r essing another programmed message key will turn the pre v i o u s
one off and set a new programmed message.
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