The phone combines interactive message
services and status monitoring to comple-
ment a traditional messaging application
such as email.
Live interaction within a pool of phones is
possible by monitoring the “presence” of
the parties involved.
Each phone can “watch” the status of up
to eight other phones. These other phones
form the “Buddy List”. The status of bud
dies is displayed and updated in real time.
Each phone can also be “watched” by up
to eight other phones.
To send a text message:
1. Press
and select Features,
Messages, Instant Messages
2. Press the
New soft key.
3. Enter the desired extension or SIP
URL. Press the 1/A/a soft key
to alternate between numeric and
upper/lower case alphanumeric
4. Press the
Select soft key to choose
from various pre-scripted short
Edit to compose a custom
message. Use dial pad keys to
cycle through the character set.
Use keys 1, *, 0, and # to select
special characters.
5. Press
Send when finished.
Presence / Status / Buddy Lists
To add or delete a contact from your buddy list, or block a contact:
1. Press , select Features, Con-
tact Directory
2. Using the arrow keys, scroll through
the directory to choose a contact.
3. Press
Edit and scroll down using the
Next soft key to the Watch Buddy or
Block Buddy fields.
4. Use the arrow keys to switch be
tween Enabled or Disabled status.
5. Press the
Save soft key or to
abandon the change.
The diagrams show a typical Buddy Sta-
tus screen display of monitored phones
and a My Status display.
To view and change Presence settings:
1. Press
and select Features,
2. Choose
My Status to change your
own status (online, busy, etc.).
This affects information sent
to watching phones. Presence
information will also be sent to
watching phones when the user
goes off-hook or invokes Do Not
Disturb. The
My Status display
can also be accessed by pressing
the MyStat soft key from the idle
3. Choose
Buddy Status to monitor
the status of the contacts within
your buddy list. This can also be
accessed by pressing the Buddies
soft key from the idle display.