Panasonic S-ICX Cordless Telephone User Manual

ICX-50-750 ICX (International), issued October 2000 57
You can handle calls that reach your phone in a variety of ways:
Answer Calls (page 57)
Use Call Hold (page 58)
Transfer Calls (page 59)
Use Call Pickup (page 61)
Use Call Park (page 63).
You can answer various types of calls using the following procedure:
1. Pick up the handset or press the ON/OFF key.
2. Do one of the following:
3. Complete the call, and replace the handset or press the ON/OFF key.
To answer . . . Do the following . . .
A call ringing at someone
else’s phone
a. Press the flashing FF key.
a. Enter the Direct Call Pickup Set code (default
= 704 (HK/UK) or 704#).
b. Dial the number of the ringing extension.
A call ringing a phone within
your call pickup group
Enter the All Calls Pickup Set code (default =
701(HK/UK) or 701#).
An external call ringing a
phone within your call pickup
Enter the External Call Pickup Set code (default =
702 (HK/UK) or 702#).
A call ringing outside your call
pickup group
a. Enter the Specified Group Pickup Set code
(default = 703 (HK/UK) or 703#).
b. Enter the number of the call pickup group (01-
72) where the phone is ringing.
To answer a call