NEC Xen IPK Telephone User Manual

Key Press
Key 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th
Back to 1
2 ABCabc2Back to A
3 DEFdef3Back to D
4 GHIghi4Back to G
5 JKLjkl5Back to J
6 MNOmn o 6Back to M
7 PQRSpqr s 7Back to P
8 TUVtuv8Back to T
9 WXYZwxyz9Back to W
0 0! #$%& ()Back to 0
* *
+,-./:;<=>?Back to
# Set Space Back to Set
Conf Clear and back 1 character before cursor
Speed Dial Name Input
To add a name to each speed dial entry, press the dial pad number corresponding
to the alpha character desired.
i.e 2 = A,B,D,a,b,c, or 2
3 = D, E, F, d, e, f, or 3
4 = G, H, I, g, h, i, or 4
For the name Bob press: