To return a call:
1. Display the call you want to return.
2. Do one of the following:
If the call is internal, and the caller name is known, press * or the
Call sofkkey. For unknown numbers, the Call option is not displayed.
If the call is external, and you normally need to precede external calls
with a digit such as 9, it is likely that your system administrator has
programmed your system to insert the 9 for you. In this case,
pressing * or the Call softkey initiates the call immediately.
Sometimes the system will be unable to complete the dialing
automatically. When this happens, you can edit the dialed digits
manually by pressing # or the <— ( Clear ) softkey. Use the # or
<— ( Clear ) softkey to delete the left-most digit, and then type the
digits to insert them. When you have the dial string edited to suit
your needs, press the * or Call softkey to dial the number.
To delete all missed, answered, or outgoing call logs:
1. After selecting the type of logs you wish to delete, press # or the Delete
All softkey.
2. Confirm that you do want to delete all items by pressing * or the #
To delete a particular call from the call log:
With the call log that you want to delete displayed, press # twice or
press the Delete softkey.