sample, thereby resulting in total required bandwidths of
32,000, 24,000, or 16,000 bps.
G.729 The G.729 and G.729A conjugate structure algebraic
code excited linear prediction (CS-ACELP) coding scheme
also compresses PCM using advanced codebook technology.
It uses 8000 bps of total bandwidth.
G.723 The G.723 and G.723A multipulse maximum likelihood
quantization (MPMLQ) coding schemes use a look-ahead
algorithm. These compression schemes result in a required
bandwidth of 6300 or 5300 bps.
GSM GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) is a
cellular phone system standard popular outside the USA. The
speech signal is divided into blocks of 20 ms. These blocks are
then passed to the speech codec, which has a rate of 13 kbps,
in order to obtain blocks of 260 bits.
The network administrator should balance the
need for voice quality against the cost of
bandwidth in the network when choosing