Kenwood NX-700H Two-Way Radio User Manual

ScAn reverT
The Scan Revert channel is the channel selected when you press the microphone
PTT switch to transmit during scan. Your dealer can program one of the following
Scan Revert channels:
Last Called + Selected: The last channel on which you received a call is
assigned as the new revert channel. If the channel has been changed, the
newly selected channel is assigned as the new revert channel.
Selected: The last channel selected is assigned as the new revert channel.
Selected + Talkback: If the channel has been changed, the newly selected
channel is assigned as the new revert channel. The transceiver “talks back”
on the current channel.
Priority 1/ Priority 2: If your dealer has programmed a Priority channel
(either Priority 1 or Priority 2), this channel is the revert zone and channel.
Priority 1 + Talkback/ Priority2 + Talkback: If your dealer has programmed
a Priority channel (either Priority 1 or Priority 2), this channel is the revert zone
and channel. The transceiver “talks back” on the current receive channel.
ScAn deleTe/Add
You can add and remove zones and/or channels/group IDs to and from your scan
1 Select your desired zone and/or channel/group ID.
2 Press the key programmed as Zone Delete/Add (to add/remove zones) or
Scan Delete/Add (to add/remove channels/group IDs).
You can also press and hold the key programmed as Scan Delete/Add to add/
remove zones.
prioriTy-chAnnel SelecT
If the Priority channel has been set as Operator Selectable by your dealer, you
are also able to reprogram the Priority mode.
1 Select your desired zone and channel.
2 Press the key programmed as Priority-chanel Select, or press and hold the
key programmed as Scan.
A list of channel types appears on the display.
3 Press the / keys to select the channel type for your current channel.
You can set the channel as “NORMAL”, “PRIORITY 1”, “PRIORITY 2”, or
4 Press the key to save the setting and exit Priority-channel Select Mode.