Tungsten™ E2 Handheld 146
alternative keyboards 19
applications 10, 125
dialog boxes 15
handheld 130
handheld menus 22
HotSync Manager 88
Note Pad 76
onscreen keyboards 18
photo albums 52
RealPlayer 5
text messages 105
outgoing mail servers 95
marking completed tasks and 69
synchronizing with 95
Outlook Express 95
overdue tasks 68
owner information 118, 125
Owner Preferences screen 118
Palm Desktop software
applications 20
completing repeated tasks and 69
described 7
installing 7
synchronize 26
upgrade 126
Palm OS handhelds
beaming to 24, 43, 114
exchanging memos with 74
sharing notes with 78
sharing tasks with 70
Palm Reader 9
paper clip icon 99, 100
passkeys 84, 90
Password check box 95
Bluetooth 84, 85, 90
entering 95
pasting text 74
PC Setup screen 88
PCs See personal computers
PDF files 9
pen 76
Pen selector 76
pen widths 76
performance 23
personal calculator 9
personal computers
connecting to 80
entering information with 20
preinstalled software for 7
synchronizing handheld with 25, 27
troubleshooting synchronization 128
phone calls 37
phone connections 82–85
Phone Lookup 35
phone numbers
Contacts 37
dialing 84
getting from contacts 35
temporary storage for 75
photo albums
additional information for 54
creating 51
moving photos in 52
selecting 52
adding to albums 52
adding to contacts 34
copying 54
deleting 37, 52
displaying 54
emailing 54
moving 52
saving 49
selecting as backgrounds 121
sharing 29
storing 111
pick lists, using the 5-way 15
Picture box 34
playing music 55, 56, 64
playlists 60, 65
POP protocol. See Post Office Protocol
POP servers. See Post Office Protocol (POP)
portable keyboards 73
Post Office Protocol (POP) 94, 95
power adapter 23
Power button 3
PowerPoint files, creating and viewing 45
power-saving features 125
precautions 136
additional information for 125
overview 115
setting connection 102
setting email 102
setting locale-specific 116
setting network connection 106, 109
setting text messaging 106
Prefs icon 6