Key Call Features
*30 Block Caller ID (for all subsequent calls)
*31 Send Caller ID (for all subsequent calls)
*67 Block Caller ID (per call)
*82 Send Caller ID (per call)
*70 Disable Call Waiting. (Per Call)
*71 Enable Call Waiting (Per Call)
*72 Unconditional Call Forward
To use this feature, dial “*72” and get the dial tone. Dial the forward
number and “#” for a dial tone, then hang up.
*73 Cancel Unconditional Call Forward
To cancel “Unconditional Call Forward”, dial “*73” and get the dial
tone, then hang up.
*90 Busy Call Forward
To use this feature, dial “*90” and get the dial tone. Dial the forward
number and “#” for a dial tone, then hang up.
*91 Cancel Busy Call Forward
To cancel “Busy Call Forward”, dial “*91” and get the dial tone, then
hang up.
*92 Delayed Call Forward
To use this feature, dial “*92” and get the dial tone. Dial the forward
number and “#” for a dial tone, then hang up.
*93 Cancel Delayed Call Forward
To cancel this Forward, dial “*93” and get the dial tone, then hang up.