Should your phone not operate properly, follow the Service
List. If still inoperative, disconnect the phone and try
another phone (if one is available) or another cord to .
determine whether the problem is in the telephone, the cord or
the line. If i~ the phone, discontinue its use and follow the ,
SERVICE procedure in this
manual. If in the line, notify the ;
telephone company immediately. The telephone company will
charge for a service call if the problem is attributable to
equipment you own.
In case of difficulty, check the following before seeking semice.
1. No dial tone.
2. Phone does not
dial out.
3. Phone does not
4. Incoming and
outgoing voice
volume low.
5. Tone feedback
flutter when
dialing in Pulse
● Check Cords: Are they inserted pro- ~
propedy and secure~ Are they damaged?
● Check HOOK SW/TCH.- Does it fully
etiend when Handset is lifted from cradle
c Check PU~SE/TO~E switch. Is it in
TONE position which may not be
compatible with
yourlocaldialing service?
Q Is R/~GER SW/TC~ in OFF position?
--. ,....
cAre you using too many phones on one ‘
line? ~he total REN of all phones on the :
same line should not be greater than the :
mnimum” REN for your calling area. See
FCC Registration Information on page 12.)
DPerform. checks under first problem
(Number 1).
F Are other phones off hook at same time? If
so, this is normal condition as volume
drops when additional phones are used at
~ This is normal as power is fluctuating with
phone outpulsing.