7.10 Termination Codes
The FLCE returns one of the codes listed in Table 7.6 as the termination code when communication is
complete. Upper-level programs should perform an appropriate action to reference these values.
The communication function may return a code other than that described in the termination codes list. Such a
code is received from the communication partner and specific (i.e. outside the standard protocol) to the
software used on the communication partner side.
For information about these codes refer to the Upload/Download Manual of PA-2400W.
Passing of termination code
A termination code will be returned as a return value from Winmain. Upper-level programs should
reference this return value using the “GetExitCodeProcess()” function.
List of termination codes
A category code (upper byte) indicates the error category, and an error detail code (lower byte) indicates
the detail of the error. Category codes are defined as follows:
00h Normal termination
DCh to F8h Normal termination and notification of termination. Upper-level programs
should take an action that is appropriate to each definition.
01h Protocol error
02h File-related error
0Fh Argument-related error
A0h Communication line-related error