BlueAnt Wireless Q2 Bluetooth Headset User Manual

Use Your Voice to Access the World
Your Q2 provides you with voice access to the world by giving you stock quotes, news, sports
updates, traffi c information, weather, and more.
To access this function:
1. Click the MFB and wait for the Q2 to ask you to Say A Command.
2. Say Favorites and wait for the Q2 to ask you Which Favorite?
3. Say one of the following commands:
Information Movies Navigate News
Sports Stock Quotes Traffi c Weather
Note: The availability of Favorites depends on your location and mobile carrier. In the USA,
this function dials the Bing™ 411 service. Call charges may apply to this call.
If you are located outside the US, please see for details on which
services are available in your location.