
Set Local Area Codes
You can program up to four local area codes.
If for You dial Enter in Step 2
All calls outside 11 digits No local area codes
your area code (1 + area code + phone number)
Some calls outside 10 digits Area codes that do
your area code (area code + phone number) not require a “1”
If you dial 10 digits (area code plus phone number) for calls within your own area
code, include your area code as a local area code.
1 Press and release O until the screen displays:
2 Use the keypad to enter the three digits of the first local area code.
The screen prompts you for the next local area code (LAC2–,
LAC3–, LAC4–).
3 Press O when you are finished.
Set Contrast
Adjust screen lighting to a comfortable level, from 1 (light) to 4 (dark).
1 Press and release N until the screen displays SET CONTRAST.
2 Press CALL LIST + or CALL LIST - until the screen displays the
contrast level you prefer.
3 Press N.
Set Time/Date
NOTE: The time/date are automatically reset each time new call
information is received. Incorrect time/date will be corrected with next
incoming call.
1 Press and release O. The screen displays ENTER TIME?.
2 Use the numbers on the keypad to enter the time. Press + to
select AM; press - to select PM (the screen may not display PM
until you have finished setting the time).
3 Use the numbers on the keypad to enter the date. For example,
press 0605 to enter June 5. (Zeroes are not displayed.)
4 Press O to move to the next feature
— OR —
Wait 30 seconds for the phone to return to standby.
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