Entering area codes
When you enter an area code or prefix using this feature, your 9316CW telephone will
remove that code or prefix from incoming numbers that are logged in the Callers List. For
example, if you enter your area code into this option, all calls in your area code will appear
in the Callers List with the area code stripped off (the area code will appear in brackets
after the number). This may make it easier to identify local calls. You can enter three sepa-
rate area codes or prefixes, each up to seven digits long.
To enter area codes and prefixes:
1. Press the Set Options key.
2. Use
ª to scroll to number 7 or press ‚‡ to go directly to the item.
3. Press
4. Enter the area code or prefix and press
Repeat this step for each area code or prefix you want to enter.
5. Press ®.
To delete or change an area code or prefix:
1. Press the Set Options key.
2. Use
ª to scroll to number 7 or press ‚‡ to go directly to the item.
3. Press
•. The first area code is displayed. If this is the number you want to delete or
change, go to step 5.
4. Press
ß until you see the number you want to change or delete.
5. Press “ to backspace and delete or change the area code or prefix.
6. Press
7. Press ®.
P0857798 04 E UG 9316 Page 22 Wednesday, April 12, 2000 3:13 PM