Your new Verilux
Sanitizing Wand kills up to 99.9%
of germs,
allergens* and odor causing bacteria**. Use it to sanitize surfaces throughout
your home without chemicals, irritants
or residues. Laboratory proven to
eliminate up to 99% of MRSA and H1N1 in just 1 second
the CleanWave
is ideal for countertops, computer keyboards, cell phones, pillows, crib and
mattress covers, upholstery, pet beds, area rugs, surfaces in the baby’s room
and more.
This Wand features:
• ApowerfulUltraviolet(UV-C)illuminationsystemthat:
of germs and allergens* on hard surfaces at home or
while traveling
– Destroys odor causing bacteria in pet and nursery areas
– Sanitizes without chemicals, irritants or residues
• Thisunitdeodorizesandhelpsremoveallergens*
• Safetyshut-offfeature
• Built-intimerforpreciseexposuretimes
• Protectivecarryingcase,batterypackandACadapter/batterycharger
• Easytoreaddigitaldisplay
• Lowbatterywarninglight
• Rechargeablebatteries
• StatusIndicatortoinformtheuserwhentheWandischargingandwhenitison
†Kills up to 99.9% of germs, viruses and other micro-organisms on solid, non-porous surfaces. Sanitizing
times and effectiveness for porous surfaces may vary.
‡Based on exposure of UV-C light to test organisms in laboratory on non-porous hard surface, under
controlled conditions. MRSA refers to Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (ATCC 33592). H1N1
refers to A/Swine/Iowa Swine Influenza A (ATCC 333)
*Direct UV-C Light exposure is effective on certain allergen producing organisms such as Mold A and in
reducing dust mites.
§ When used as directed.
Safety Feature
An internal safety switch will automatically turn the unit off if the light source is
turned upward in order to help protect eyes and skin from exposure.
NOTE: The safety mechanism includes a switch that will make a slight rattling
sound — this is a normal function.
Sanitizing Wand Features