user manual
TQ-440SP manual
page 18
Should a fault develop with the amplifier module, we recommend that you remove the module as
described below and return it to a qualified Turbosound service centre for repair. The module
contains no user-serviceable parts, and the warranty will be invalidated if unauthorised repairs are
carried out.
If one of the drive units in the cabinet should cease functioning and needs a replacement recone or
diaphragm you are advised to remove the faulty unit from the cabinet and send it to a professional
recone service authorised to recone Turbosound loudspeakers. This will ensure the continued high
performance of your TQ-440SP.
Removal of the Amplifier module
1. Release the four M5 Allen head bolts securing the amplifier module to the rear of the cabinet
and disconnect the Molex 4-way connector from the PCB. The module can now be lifted clear
of the cabinet and set aside.
2. Replacement is a straightforward reversal of the above procedure. Take care to connect the
Molex connector securely to the PCB (it is polarised and cannot be connected incorrectly)
before replacing and tightening the four M5 Allen head bolts.
Removal of the 12”/1” driver
1. Unscrew the eight countersunk screws from the two vertical battens which hold the protective
grille in place. Be careful when removing the grille as it is under tension and may spring
outwards when released. Set the battens, grille and fixing screws aside for later re-assembly.
2. Undo the eight M6 x 30mm Allen head bolts holding the driver in place and carefully pull it
out and away from the cabinet. WARNING - This unit is heavy! You will notice that the 1” high
frequency driver is attached to the back of the 12” low frequency driver by its screw adapter.
Disconnect the cables from both HF and LF units and completely remove the driver assembly
from the cabinet. Make a note of the driver polarity for later reconnection.
3. Separate the drive units by unscrewing the high frequency driver anti-clockwise and lift it
away from the low frequency driver. Depending on which section needs servicing, the
appropriate drive unit should be returned to an authorised Turbosound service centre.
4. To reinstate the drivers, simply reverse the above procedure making sure you observe the
correct polarity when reconnecting the cables back into the terminals of the drive units.