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Thus, you can assign the expansion models as needed:
In the above shown screen, you can observe that the address range for the expansion models assign for Slot 1
through Slot 4, it has taken first two digit as 01, 02, 03 & 04 serially.
And last three digits will indicate the register numbers.
The external input signals are allocated to the external input devices/registers
external output signals are allocated to the external output devices/registers (Y/YW).
The register numbers of the external input and output registers are consecutive. Thus one register number can be
assigned for either input or output.
X01000 X01007 X 0 1 0 0 0
Slot Number (Slot 1)
GDD288N Input: 8 Nos. (000 to 0007)
Y 0 1 0 0 0
Y01000 Y01007 Y: Output
Slot Number (Slot 1)
Output: 8 Nos. (000 to 007)
X02000 X01003 X 0 2 0 0 0
Slot Number (Slot 2)
GAA244 Input: 4 Nos. (000 to 0003)
Y 0 2 0 0 0
Y02000 Y01003 Y: Output
Slot Number (Slot 2)
Output: 4 Nos. (000 to 003)