2. Channel Status Indicators and Reset Pushbutton: The indicators are green for nor-
mal operation and red when there is an overload or short circuit. The Reset push-
button restores normal operation after the short-circuit or overload has been
located and fixed.
3. Universal AC Power Input: The PS2000L accepts any input power in the range
of 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
4. Intercom Channel Connectors: When the Combine / Isolate switch is set to the
Isolate position, each channel connector is powered separately and has com-
pletely separate intercom audio. When the Combine / Isolate switch is set to the
Combine position, each channel is still powered separately, but the audio signals
are combined so that all users on both channels can intercommunicate.
5. Audiocom / Clear-Com Selector Switch (Figure
2): This selector switch sets the
PS2000L for compatibility with either Audiocom (BALANCED) or Clear-Com
(UNBALANCED). Compatibility includes channel connector pin-outs, channel
power requirements, and call signaling requirements. The PS2000L is shipped
with this switch in the Audiocom position.